Top Tips to Hosting a Family Pizza Party


We are in the heart of winter here in Sacramento, and the temperatures have been dropping down into the 30’s. Which means family time is often spent indoors cuddling around the fireplace. It definitely feels like we’ve gone into hibernation mode. So of course it’s the perfect time to enjoy a family pizza party!


My 5 Rules for a Hygge Winter Pizza Party

  1. Don’t Skimp on Pizza Quality

Somehow a pizza has this magical way of turning a meal into a party. For one thing, it’s made to share with great company!

I picked up my Urban Pie from our neighborhood Sprouts, they had several flavor options including Pesto. I personally prefer the veggie options, it’s rare to find good quality vegetarian pizza! Although these are frozen pizzas, they come out of the oven fresh and full of flavor - you’d honestly never know it wasn’t from a pizzeria.

2. Dress Comfy

This is not the kinda party where you get dolled up in heels. A winter hygge pizza party is all about the comfy and cozy. Wear your favorite fleece lined leggings, sweatshirt, thermals, fuzzy socks… whatever keeps you warm and allows you to eat your pizza comfortably.

3. Essential Oils

I am a big fan of using homemade essential oil blends to make the house feel warm and inviting. I have a diffuser in my living room and I love to use winter scents like cinnamon and clove to elevate my mood. I have built a collection of essential oil favorites from Etsy, check it out!

4. Fireplace and Candles

When we bought our house it was a fixer-upper in need of some TLC. One of my favorite projects was getting our fireplace working. We use it everyday in the winter to warm up the downstairs level in the house, it works surprisingly well! The glowing embers add a twinkling touch to the living room, the same way candles and holiday lights do too. If you don’t have a fireplace in your home, both traditional and flameless candles will do the trick.

5. Pick a Movie or show to binge

Finding that perfect movie is the last component to the perfect pizza party. My husband and I have actually been really into documentaries on real-life events. Most recently we binged on:

  • Wild Wild Country on Netflix - This docuseries chronicles a cult in Oregon led by a controversial guru. The series is made of six episodes and contains a whole lot of drama, sex, violence, murder and drugs.

  • Disney + - We just recently signed up with Disney’s new streaming serving and I’m really enjoying watching all the old classic movies from my childhood. I’m slowly introducing Scout to Disney, so that way she’ll be super excited when we take her to Disneyland.

  • The Office - I’ve seen this show all the way through several times, but I just can’t get enough of the Dunder Mifflin gang. On most days I work from home and The Office is often my background show playing. It makes it feel like Jim, Dwight, Michael and Pam are my coworkers!

  • The Great British Baking Show - I rarely enjoy watching reality TV, but there’s something so welcoming and calming about this show. There’s no unnecessary drama, just a bunch of lovely British people baking delicious bread and sweets.

  • FRIENDS - I know many folks are mourning the loss of Friends on Netflix, but we’ve got backup DVDs in my house because we are old school. This is another show that never gets old, and amazingly still feels brand new despite the fact that it aired 25 years ago.


Top Tips to Hosting a Family Pizza Party