5 Ways to Stay Fit While Pregnant

5 Ways to Stay Fit While Pregnant

Pregnancy can drastically change a woman's weight. Staying fit and healthy is the solution, but that’s easier said than done when carrying a baby. You might be experiencing nausea and cramping, all while caring for the home, preparing to welcome the latest addition to the family, and juggling work—none of which are easy for anyone, especially expecting moms.

Though the effort may be challenging, committing to fitness and health while pregnant benefits both you and the baby. Research shows that mothers with good diet and exercise habits before and during pregnancy can significantly contribute to their child’s overall well-being. If you want to keep yourself and your little one safe and healthy, here are some simple ways to stay fit when expecting.


Be Active While Pregnant

Exercising during pregnancy is incredibly important for both you and your baby, but you also still want to do it safely for your protection. Aerobic exercises, like walking, cycling, swimming, aerobic dancing, and yoga are some of the best ways to get fit while pregnant, and you don’t need to go to a gym to do these. You can choose one or more that fits your preference and lifestyle.

As much as possible, avoid doing risky exercises that require fast, jarring, and intense movements, as this could be too much for the body or lead to accidents. When exercising, be careful of overheating and overexerting; try to do your exercises indoors so you can control the conditions to avoid these complications. And, as always, check in with your doctor for their exercise recommendations for you.


Avoid Drinking Your Calories

Pregnant women often suffer from nausea and headaches, often leading to the desire for a liquid diet. Unless your doctor has ordered you, it’s best to avoid drinking your calories. One of the most common weight loss mistakes people make is relying heavily on fruit and veggie-based smoothies and juices to deliver vitamins. Liquids don’t stave off hunger as long as solid foods do, which can tempt you to eat more. Feeling less full could set the stage for weight gain and excess calorie intake.

Instead of turning to liquids, add more easily digestible or high-protein foods into your diet to help with sickness. Trying low-caloric drinks is another option to make hydration fun and relieve your body; for instance, mint-infused water can help soothe headaches and curb nausea.


Don’t “Eat for Two”

The “eating for two” mindset can make sense when you think about the life you’re supporting, but that can easily lead to overeating and weight gain. In fact, studies show that you only need an extra 300 calories per day for the second and third trimesters. Focus on the quality and not the quantity of your food instead. Nutrients that can aid your pregnancy are protein, calcium, iron, folic acid, and vitamin C. Once you have had your baby don’t drop the healthy eating habits. You can easily lose baby weight by continuing to eat nutrient-dense foods.


Sleep Well

Getting a good night’s sleep is essential for fitness, whether or not you’re pregnant. Pregnancy can be physically straining, so sleeping well helps your muscles recover and conserve energy. With this recovery, you can gain more energy to go through your day and be more motivated to exercise, contributing to your overall wellness.

If you’re having trouble sleeping or feeling anxious, try to avoid distractions and practice meditation before bed to clear and calm the mind. You also might be staying up because of anxiety, so a robust support system can help ease your worries. Confide in your partner, or reach out to family, friends, and other moms who can give you some advice and encouragement to alleviate your concerns and help you sleep better at night.


Stick to a Plan

Pregnancy can be exhausting, and it can be hard to function and stay driven to be fit. You might find yourself putting off exercise or neglecting your healthy diet at times, but to make sure these habits last and work, keeping a set routine for meals and workouts can make it easier to integrate them into your routine. Try to devise a healthy meal plan for the week so you know exactly which ingredients you need to buy or prepare, which can save you time and effort. Schedule your workouts for times you know you’ll be free, or break up exercises into shorter times throughout the day.

You might not always be consistent with health and fitness, but that’s not something to feel guilty about. Pregnancy isn’t easy, so being kind to yourself and your body is crucial in your journey. Remember that all your efforts aren’t just for you but for the beautiful life you’re growing, and caring for yourself is the best way to support your baby.




5 Ways to Stay Fit While Pregnant