Posts tagged Home Decor
DIY Terrarium Kits - Shopping and Gift Guide

It was a gorgeous sun soaked Sunday afternoon in San Francisco and the perfect day for some DIY fun. I live in downtown SF which is essentially a concrete jungle with few signs of nature near by. Adding some green to our apartment was one of the first items on my checklist when we moved in because it instantly brightens up a room. Since we are limited on space with urban living, tiny terrariums are the perfect space savers in addition to being too cute to resist!

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The Modern Gift Guide For All the Trendy Cool People in Your Life

I am a huge Etsy fanatic, both my home and closet are filled with handmade gems from artisans selling on Etsy. As a freelancer myself, it genuinely gives me joy to support a small business owner who is living the dream of being self-employed. Not only does the Etsy platform allow small businesses to thrive, but they also elevate and support artists who are pushing the limits in the design world and serving up fresh inspiration.

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10 Easy Ideas To Add Hygge Into Your Winter Season

The Danish hygge lifestyle is all about embracing everything warm and cozy during the cold days of winter. To achieve this state of ultimate cozy bliss, it does take some preparation and possibly shopping for a few investment pieces to complete your "hygge kit." Everyone has their own slightly different version of the perfect hygge winter, but there are some staple elements that most of us can agree upon and I've got them all on my list.

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